MAPIC is launching its Retail Village concept for MAPIC 2022. A major, central location has been set aside within the Palais des Festivals for the show – to attract the most progressive, innovative and connected retail brands in the industry.
With constant flux and change in the retail industry, the purpose of the Retail Village at MAPIC is to not only put retail back on stage but also to showcase all new, agile retail initiatives. As part of its effort to build the right retail mix, MAPIC and its partners have curated these innovative retail concepts that are all connected by their shared values of sustainability, local sourcing, inclusion, and diversity.
“Historically, MAPIC itself brings together retailers and property players looking to promote or negotiate acquisitions and leases – but this well-established relationship becomes much more complex as the most successful companies are not always those that find the best physical locations. It is now those that combine their physical and digital markets to create a fluid, coherent experience – regardless of the channel taken but with a customer-centric approach. The Retail Village at MAPIC will host innovative brands selected for the originality and agility of their concepts.” Francesco Pupillo, Director of MAPIC
The thinking behind The Retail Village at MAPIC
The new consumer, including new generations such as Millennials and Generation Z-ers, is making increasingly niche and specialist choices in their consumption habits and becoming less mainstream: from veganism to the circular economy and reducing waste.
Property players will need to incorporate smaller specialist brands into their retail mix, especially those that are perceived as more authentic and ethical, so new exclusive concepts along with traditional ones are needed.
There is a growing trend among retail destinations, both physical and online, to offer sustainable products, giving smaller businesses better access to the market. However, this will also force bigger, more established retailers to review their operations and add more environmentally-friendly products to their lines.
The Retail Village at MAPIC is set up to highlight the many new retail faces entering this market – and here delegates will find growing concepts from around the world. All these retail concepts have a common thread: their concept is original and they are looking into expansion. Whether through a franchise network or looking directly into a new physical flagship or expanding digitally through a marketplace – attending MAPIC is an important milestone to their growth. In terms of exhibiting concepts, The Retail Village at MAPIC will cover a number of areas: digital marketplaces, new emerging concepts and DNVBs (digitally native vertical brands).
Fay Cannings, Founder of Seekd (exhibiting at The Retail Village at MAPIC) added – “With times changing, sustainable consumer choices are more pertinent to creating desirable destinations, Seekd is offering a range of chic, exciting planet friendly designers and brands to shop all under one roof. The Retail Village at MAPIC is the perfect platform for us, nurturing our growth to find partners and investors who share our mission – we want to be discovered in the best places both in the UK, Europe and internationally. The small brands of today can become the household names of the future.”
MAPIC: the place where all brands come together
Most major retail brands have already integrated these changes and adapted their strategy to respond to this new landscape. Many of these names have already signed up for MAPIC 2022 in Fashion (ADIDAS, Primark, Guess, Dolce & Gabbana etc.), Food & Beverage (Five Guys, Nespresso etc.), Leisure (The Big Picture, Kids&Us etc.), Grocery (Monoprix, Naturalia etc.), Health & Beauty (Sephora, Estée Lauder, Rituals etc.), Culture & Media (Apple, Fnac Darty etc.), Home Furniture (IKEA, Electro Depot…), Utilities & People Services (Norauto France, Orange, Free).
MAPIC takes place from Tuesday 29th November to Thursday 1st December 2022 in Cannes, France, where the main role of the event is to be the trendsetter and barometer for the industry – curating all thought leadership, innovations and discoveries from around the world and infuse them with insightful learnings the attending participants during the 3-day event. The theme for this year is People, Planet, Profit, navigating retail towards a more human world – to help the industry drive sustainable change.
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