Staking in crypto presents a viable avenue for reaping passive gains through the act of securely immobilizing digital assets for a designated duration. The conditions and stipulations associated with staking hinge upon the specific nature of the cryptographic resource being employed as well as the chosen service provider. Nonetheless, as a whole, this practice offers an appealing alternative to the mere possession of cryptocurrencies, as it expedites the arrival of monetary returns.

Nonetheless, akin to any entrepreneurial pursuit, staking necessitates a prudent awareness of the potential hazards that lie in wait before its pursuit.


How to Stake Crypto?

To stake crypto, follow these steps:

  1. Select an appropriate asset. Look for coins like ETH, ADA, and others with staking capabilities.
  2. Create a wallet where the staking function is available.
  3. Acquire crypto.
  4. See what staking plans are affordable for the selected asset. Different cryptos may offer multiple staking choices with varying interest rates, lock-up periods, and conditions.
  5. Select a staking platform.
  6. You have the option to delegate, join a pool, or engage in self-staking. Joining the pool allows you to take part in staking without operating a full node, while self-staking requires you to maintain a full node.
  7. Stake your crypto.

Risks of Staking Crypto

Here are the risks you may face:

  • Engaging in staking involves active participation in the blockchain’s consensus protocol, thereby rendering your staked coins susceptible to attacks. To mitigate this risk, opt for well-established blockchain networks.
  • A consensus failure may occur if a substantial number of stakers act maliciously or if the network encounters a software bug. This failure can result in a temporary halt to the network’s operations. To reduce this risk, diversify your staking across multiple reputable networks.
  • Slashing refers to the penalty imposed on stakers for engaging in malicious behavior, such as attempting to manipulate the network or executing double-spending of coins.
  • Volatility can affect the price of your staked tokens and cause losses when you unstake or redeem your rewards.

It is essential to note that while these strategies aid in risk minimization, they cannot eliminate risks entirely. Prior to engaging in staking, conduct a comprehensive analysis, stay well-informed, and carefully assess the risks involved.

To stay up-to-date with the latest events in the crypto realm, visit the WhiteBIT blog. On the WhiteBIT exchange, you can engage in crypto lending, which means you can provide your digital assets for the platform and receive interest.