You’re probably here because you’ve heard the term ‘astigmatism’ thrown around, or perhaps, you’ve just been diagnosed with it. As with many things in life, the key to understanding is knowledge. So, let’s embark on an enlightening journey through the realm of astigmatism and how to stylishly correct it.

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism sounds like an intimidating word, doesn’t it? But fret not! Let’s demystify it. At its core, astigmatism is a vision condition where the cornea (that clear front layer of your eye) or the lens inside isn’t perfectly round. Think of it like a rugby ball rather than a football. This can make images appear blurred or elongated because light isn’t uniformly focused on the retina. It’s widespread and, most importantly, very correctable.


How to cure Astigmatism?

Enter the world of ‘toric’ lenses. While the term might seem otherworldly, these are simply lenses sculpted with precision to counterbalance the uneven shape of your astigmatic eye. They have two different optical powers in one lens, which helps you see clearly while adjusting for the unique curve of your eye.

Finding the Right Glasses for Astigmatism

Of course, while the lens is the star player in this game, the supporting cast – the frame – is just as vital:

Seek Stability: Ever worn ill-fitting shoes? Then you’ll know the importance of a snug fit. The same goes for glasses. Frames that fit perfectly ensure that the lenses remain precisely where they need to be. A slight misalignment can disrupt your vision. Prescription glasses for women and men are suitable for those suffering from astigmatism

Frame Proportions: While those oversized, glamorous frames might call to you, be wary. Too large, and the edges might mess with your vision. Your frame should harmonise with your face for both aesthetics and function.

Material World: The substance your frame is made of is essential. Lightweight champions like titanium or acetate are both comfortable and long-lasting – ideal for daily wearers.

Buying Astigmatism Glasses Online

The digital era has made many things accessible from our couches, including eyewear shopping. But if you’re feeling apprehensive, here are some tips:

Armed with a Prescription: Before delving into online shopping, ensure you’ve got an updated prescription that details your astigmatism requirements.

Virtual is Reality: The best online eyewear platforms offer a virtual try-on tool. You can experiment with a range of styles to find the one that captures your essence perfectly.

Safety Nets are Key: Always, and we mean always, check the return policies. Make sure it’s easy-peasy, giving you the freedom to change your mind if need be.

You can try the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY feature to find a suitable glass and frame which fits you comfortably only on ArloWolf.

Replacing Your Existing Lenses

If you’ve got a pair of frames that you’re emotionally attached to, there’s no need for a heartbreaking goodbye. Many establishments, both brick-and-mortar and online, offer lens replacement services. Keep the frame, change the lens, and voila – it’s like rekindling an old romance!

While astigmatism might seem like a mountain at first, with the right guidance and a dash of style, it quickly becomes a molehill. Glasses aren’t just about vision; they’re a fashion statement, an extension of you. And with today’s advancements and vast style options, why shouldn’t they be both a beacon of clear sight and an emblem of your unique flair?