SEPHORA, the global beauty retailer, has opened its first physical store in the UK at Westfield White City in West London. Customers, who had eagerly awaited the opportunity to shop in-store after the unprecedented demand following the launch of its website and app last autumn, can now enjoy a retail space spanning over 6,000 square feet.
The store boasts next-generation design features that enhance the retail experience for customers, including soft geometric shapes, ambient lighting, textured finishes, and succulent greenery to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The Grand Beauty Hub is one of the store’s highlights, offering customers a range of unique beauty services and treatments performed by in-house experts alongside brand professionals. This includes professional makeup services, comprehensive skin treatments, and passionate beauty advisors trained in Sephora’s best European stores, who provide expert advice and knowledgeable service to customers.
Other features of the store include the first-ever Sephora Lip Bar in the UK, a Hot on Social corner consisting of the 10 most talked-about products on social media, the iconic Benefit Brow Bar, personalized gifting and gift wrapping, and a fragrance engraving service. The store offers a product range of over 135 brands, with an unparalleled curation from the Sephora universe, including brands exclusive to Sephora UK, such as Makeup by Mario, GXVE by Gwen Stefani, ONE/SIZE by Patrick Starrr, Vegamour, Skinfix, and Commodity.
Sephora UK’s physical store opening is a significant milestone for the brand, which has already amassed a loyal following in the UK through its online presence. The store is set to become a go-to destination for beauty lovers in London and beyond, with its impressive range of products, beauty services, and knowledgeable staff. Customers can now experience the Sephora universe in person and take advantage of the store’s exciting features and services, creating a truly immersive beauty experience.
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