Selfridges has launched its biggest Christmas shop in a dedicated new destination on the fourth floor of the Oxford Street Store.

The Christmas shop which is 20% bigger than last year has been imagined as a magical and immersive space where visitors are invited to spend time savouring the festive experience.


As well as offering more planet-friendly choices than ever before, the Christmas Shop has been built with sustainability in mind, reusing baubles from previous displays in store both for bauble walls and recycled into tabletops, giving them gold, red and silver flecks.

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Following the Opening of the Christmas Shop, Selfridges will launch its Christmas scheme across all stores and on on 27 October to help customers celebrate with small gestures and great gifts and by helping friends, family and loved ones come together through unforgettable experiences.

From 25 November, Santa and his elf squad will be making daily visits to the Christmas Shop and festive destinations throughout the London store as well as in Birmingham and Manchester to greet customers and spread joy as the countdown to Christmas begins.