Surface Design Show

The Surface Design Show, set to take place at London’s Business Design Centre from 7-9 February 2023, has announced that the theme of its upcoming edition will be “Shaping Communities.” The theme aims to improve the built environment for all through collaboration and meaningful design solutions.

The theme explores an open dialogue among industries and brands with the common goal of building stronger relationships between people and places. The role that our built environment plays within society should inspire new conversations where human experience and a community’s identity are paramount.

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The show will highlight how fundamentally important design decisions truly are, not simply for creating aesthetic pleasing areas, but for understanding how our surroundings hold the ability to evoke emotional responses, uncovering how a space can enhance your productivity and mental wellbeing. As much as places need to have a positive impact on people, how buildings affect the environment must also be considered with sustainable practice being imperative to both design and outcomes.



07 - 09 Feb 2023


6:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Business Design Centre


Business Design Centre
52 Upper St, The Angel, London N1 0QH
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