Flexible ’pop-up’ retail pioneer Sook has signed a new flagship retail space at 32 Shoreditch High Street. Sook worked with Kenningham Retail to complete the acquisition of the property, owned by the Estate Office Shoreditch, and set to open on Saturday 8th October. 

32 Shoreditch High Street will serve as Sook’s first East London location. The flagship space will be the company’s 11th site in the UK – and sixth opening this year – and is part of Sook’s ambitious expansion plan to meet exceptional customer demand for flexible space on the high street. 


Sook CEO John Hoyle said: “We are delighted to be opening our first East London Sook on the iconic Shoreditch High Street. This transaction demonstrates how Sook was able to act quickly to provide immediate income generation and activation in a key retail site.”

The Estate Office Shoreditch said: “Having a track record of delivering innovative retail solutions for short-term activations across the UK, we are excited to welcome Sook to our portfolio. Sook’s ability to move quickly to occupy the space will allow continuity of activation and add placemaking value to our portfolio, supporting our other tenants.”

Kenningham Retail, who acted on behalf of the Estate Office Shoreditch and was also instrumental in initiating and completing the transaction, said: “We needed an immediate short-term occupier to drive revenue and activation, so reached out to Sook. The transaction went from initial engagement to completion all within a matter of weeks. We have seen what Sook has delivered across the West End and are excited to see it expand into East London.”

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Sook who recently hosted the Creative Retail Awards shortlist reveal at their Oxford Street space will welcome its first occupier on Saturday 8th October. The company has already secured multiple bookings for the space, including a number of high-profile streetwear and design brands looking to connect with customers IRL, but without the commitment of a traditional lease.